At EuRadicle, we believe that every person taking their first step towards learning has the potential to be transformed.

Transformation for us is not about changing life. It is the permanent shift in the measurement of identified capabilities so that the person does not go back to the old measure. The first step is the radicle that provides the foundation that can nurture the untapped potential. We bring together the realism of our corporate experience and the creativity of our consulting minds to create innovative learning interventions.

Every intervention at EuRadicle is unique and is crafted to deliver a standard outcome. With our capability-based development model, we help others explore full extent of their abilities.

Customized Learning Solutions

As we understand that your leadership and talent management needs are unique and specific to your organisation.

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Assessment and Development Centres

Here we equip businesses with quantifiable data points beyond our ‘gut feel’ or opinions while evaluating people for talent management.

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Executive Coaching

Is where we address dilemmas for organizational leadership at the right time as it is certainly the biggest impetus.

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Facilitator Led Programs

These are well researched and engaging concepts based on proven methodologies focusing purely on strength centered transformation with awareness based coaching.

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